Monday, January 30, 2006 Y 1/30/2006 06:39:00 AM LALALA 1ST DAY OF CNY. x) my day was rather boring =X like wad i said in the previous post lah. hahaha =X every yr like that. standard, no change one. =X heh. then today reached ahma house at 12 plus =/ stoned around until mongpeh came x) then also didnt do anything fun =X haha after that er this person i forgot who came. thats all lah =X after leaving ahma house went to fetch my mum then went to err this ahma's house. lol. did nothing there, just watched the tv for maybe abt 20 mins. hurhur. ok then went home to bathe and stuff =/ until arnd 8 plus m dads friend came. haha cool lor. there is this daughter from 102 then another one who is now in j1, who was from ny too. hahah x) =X my bro is freaking irritating >:/ grr. Sunday, January 29, 2006 Y 1/29/2006 08:30:00 AM hello i shall blog! x) today went bugis with huimin and my sis (: then we just walked around and dint do anything much. in the end i dint buy anything lah =X dot dot dot. wasted =/ after bugis we went to granny's house to er eat. then in the end only got our famliy go lah. plus huimin they all =X damn shibai. ate like any other ordinary dinner with ordinary food =X hurhur and went back shortly after dinner to decorate our house heh x) we like last minute xD like how this morning i woke up to see food for cny. =/ only today lah. hahaha x)) and the food also not very nice =X lol haha and now is officially cny ._. and im not looking forward to morning and afternoon and night lor. =X doesnt sound fun enough. go ahma house, sian around, see people coming, say hello and happy cny, collect angbao, say thankyou, say byebye when they leave. and it repeats.=X haha plus i dno what to wear. dint really shop for cny hurhur. lalala okay byebye i shall end here. x) Saturday, January 28, 2006 Y 1/28/2006 02:05:00 AM hahaha today was quite fun :D went back rulang and meet people! xD yunhan was so tall i had to look up to talk to her =X tsktsk. she claims she grows 1cm per month. and i am like 2 cm per year? >:/ then went 6L to see mrs chan. haha the class was like so crowded with ex pupils x) we just stood outside and looked in heh. then went to see cailaoshi hahaha. jing yi was crapping with her =X lol and we just watch them and laughed x)) then later went to jp to watch geisha x) i thought it was rather plotless hurhur and i almost slept halfway oops =/ haha and i just came back and bathed :D lol. suddenly i am very very addicted to liang zhu and chun x)) hahaha damn nice la :D Friday, January 27, 2006 Y 1/27/2006 05:12:00 AM LOL cny celebration today (: xiqing was rather screwed la. gah. after that we went orchard to eat and watch inotstupid2. and im broke lah =/ i not stupid2 is a niceee show :D hahhaha nana is weird! x) Thursday, January 26, 2006 Y 1/26/2006 04:46:00 AM ooh i have lots to blog! :D but i may forget as i blog ._. hahaha okay here it goes (: yesterday had the rehearsal for cny concert after sch x) haha it turned out be rather boring =X we played once through only. haha and shengsuo was pathetic =X only 4 people there. then me and tammy were like extra lor =/ back row, two pathetic people sitting there x) lol. look so funny hahaha x) oooh then something scary happened =X i lost my shao zi D: hahaha. then when we were supposed to go up the stage for the 2nd time, i was like omgomg where is my shaozi =XX damn scary. cos its the only working and nice shaozi i have =/ hohoho. then when we were supposed to go back to m4, me and tammy went to the hall and find. hahaha and she found it among those chi dancers LOL. luckily got the cover =/ ooh and we went to eat pizza hut. lol it was nice but waste alot of my eril-time hahaha x) in the end i finished it at 12 am lol. cherylho is worse lah x)) hahaha ok end of yesterday! today! no heng at the 1st period to spoil our day. =X the lessons today were okay lah, except abit boring. =X hahaha then we had heng for the last period. GAH. ohh yah. mr lim rocks ((: certain people know why lah xD yay. ok heng. then today we four tablemates had to present the stupid poem. gah. but we just read out the poem and ans hengs qns lah =X she made us stand there for dno how long and she herself blabbering away. =.= me and tammy wanted to whack her from behind._. hahaha ohh i shall congratulate her for not wearing the same colour from head to toe today =X okay then her lesson finally ended lah. i was so happy. so trish and nana they all went to get approval for class tee. then me and cher went to eat x) we were starving then =/ haha and we saw LINLAO in the canteen reading something, i almost fainted. like suddenly u walk walk walk and then poof linlao appeared in front of you. =X scary. his shirt is funny x) haha sco tee. then we lianned huanghe4 lah. =XXXXXX gosh damn hard lah the song =/ keep changing into weird diaos that we dno D: linlao was rather annoyed today at us lol. then after xiaozu he was like sorry for being fierce today. pls forgive me or something like that. hahaha eh but he gets impatient very quickly lor =X i dont like those new diaos lah. =/ umm like Fdiao in Cdiao suona is equivalent to Gdiao in Ddiao suona ._. and we just learnt the fdiao today, we are supposed to use bflat diao based on Fdiao =/ so confusing but at least the pu not that complicated =X then on the bus back. there were 2 acs guys talking abt co. i think they are from co too. then they said something like "compare with nanyang girls high lah, or dunman high" didnt really hear alot. but can tell they from co lah. hahaha x) hahaha okay i hope we can play well for huanghe asap la. hoho. yay okay byebye this long is quite long x) heh. Monday, January 23, 2006 Y 1/23/2006 04:07:00 AM A is for AGE. 13(: B is for BOYFRIEND's name. dont have :) C is for CAREER. LALALALA D is for DAD's name. u want to know meh. =X E is for ESSENTIAL item to bring on an airplane. food. hahaha x)) F is for FAVORITE song at the moment. ermm the whole of my playlist! :D G is for GIRLFRIENDS. =DD H is for HOMETOWN. jurong lalala (: I is for INSTRUMENTS you play. HAHA SUONA x) J is for JAM or JELLY you like. JELLY. wibblywobbly x) K is for KIDS. what kids. L is for LOVE of your life. everything :) M is for MOM's name. u want to know meh. =/ hahaha N is for NAME of your bestfriend(s). 7ofus (: O is for OVERNIGHT hospital stay. lalala dont have i think? unless when i was first born? D: P is for PHOBIA[s]. HAHA x) sunlao's rubs on your back. =/ gt. Q is for QUOTE you like for the week: =X R is for RELATIONSHIP that lasted the longest. relationship with my family ahh :D S is for SINGER(s) you like most. uhh. myself! :D hurhur no lah jk. i listen to songs tt are nice lah. heck who sang it =/ T is for TIME you woke up today. 930 (: U is for UNIQUE. ooh unique. what unique? =/ V is for VEGETABLE you love. hahaha lots! i think. =X W is for WORST habit. umm i have alot =/ X is for X-RAYS you've had. 2 or 3? cant really rmb la =X haha Y is for YUMMY food you make/bake. instant noodles (: and egg :D Z is for ZODIAC sign. TAURUS LALALALA :D Saturday, January 21, 2006 Y 1/21/2006 07:28:00 PM hahaha watched ms'd concert (: it was like so lucky that me and cher could get the tickets la x) hahaha but anw the concert wasnt very nice =X its rather screwed lol then before that we went to kap xD lol and we were err super noisy =X hahaha even this woman from the filming crew there asked us to lower our volumes =X lol. and we were being super retarded there =/ lol x) gah okay now i'm broke =/ i was thinking this wk i would be rich lor ): Thursday, January 19, 2006 Y 1/19/2006 04:28:00 AM HAHA okay today was a rather nice and happy day x) except for the fact that i flu-ed the whole day. GAH. so irritating lor =/ ooo and my head feels like its gonna explode lol (x aiyah i shall blog this, then try and do at least one sentence for unseen, then sleep. YAY so we had xiaozu today. the two new snrs came haha x) ohh right. i cannot rmb one of their names now. one is called danhong. lol. linlao was amusing (as usual) today D: hahaha his actions are just funny x)) hahaha during assembly. she was like so irritating la. FAKE ACCENT. D: yuck yuck. and during her lesson. she finally got so irritated that she asked why are we so dead. =X hahaha i was like yay shes wasting her lesson =X hurhur. cant believe there is this sabbatical on storytelling =X lol. and we had health check! hahaha so fun! cos we missed chinese =X hahahah x) and the susan nurse was damn weird la. she checked my backbone, then before i left, she told me to go back and tell my mummy i love her and hug her o_o i was like uhh is that related =X hurhur susan! LOL. poor bianca and some people who went to the other side. which had 3 nurses there. haha tammy got 4 =X poor things hahaha. xD YAY i totally love love love todays science practical okay! :DD hahaha! cos half of the time we were actually catching fishes in the ecopond! :D hahaha damn fun! =D then ms lim dint scold haha! i bet she did this before too =X ahahah x)) then 7ofus caught like a total of 20 plus fishes! :DD yay we rock (: sc was funnn =D HAHAHA ooo actually we were supposed to look at the pond water under the microscope lah x) then mine was damn shibai cos got nth exciting inside )= i love jean's one lah! she took the water with some fish shit. then there was this bubble-like creature swimming and eating shit xD then cos its transparent, u can actually see small pieces of shit in its body lah! HAHA sooo cool =D and they said chentians one had a spider like thingy. LOL i dint see it ): oooh i rarely post so much that makes sense. usually i post very short posts, or i post long posts with crap in it. lol :D yay i rock. x)) Wednesday, January 18, 2006 Y 1/18/2006 12:57:00 AM OH GUESS WHAT. I FOUND OUT TODAY THAT MRS EE JUST GAVE BIRTH LAST NIGHT. wooooh so cooool :D me and cher were going to hand up the homeecons ws, then uh jiangchuan and friend were there asking smth lah. then we heard tt mrs ee gave birth last nite. ohh gosh so cool x) cheryl ho is officially my evil twin >:) as in she is my twin but she is evil. i'm the nice one. of cos. heh heh Sunday, January 15, 2006 Y 1/15/2006 05:38:00 AM ![]() HELLO this is abit slow but HAHA. i shall upload this wonderfullll picture ((: i'm so proud of myself. :D Saturday, January 14, 2006 Y 1/14/2006 05:44:00 AM LOL i found this in friendster! its quite funny x) HAHA Need help understanding what one ah lian is? Let me tell you.If you satisfy 10 or more criterias, oh man, I'm feel sorry. 1. Long rebonded hair when hair is ALREADY straight 2. Act cute poses when taking neoprints 3. Type with aLtErNaTe CaPs ^^ or alot of additional letters. "xiiaogurrl" :x 4. Add S, Z, X to the back of every word 5. Use "wOr" 'hEe' "nEhz" 'kEkEx' "mAhx" 'oHhz' or something like that 6. Include "gal" "girl" or "ger" in their usernames 7. Sometimes fat thighs + short DENIM skirts 8. Include unimportant information in their friendster (height, weight. LOL) 9. Add strangers to their account 10. "gerr misshh boii" "lorve euu" =pPp 11. Include their sad love fairytales in their friendster [[waitin fer yew ta cum back]] 12. Shop at cheap boutiques. (THIS FASHION) 13. Fetish for PINK. Everything HAS to be PINK. 14. Call themselves weird names. MILKster PINKster Pinkalicious missyprincess tootdolliex xiaokeaii- ahhlynn sadahgal 15. Must have JIEMUIs. [JIEMUII QINGSHENN] 16. Many god-bros and sis. 17. Likes to visit the toilet frequently to makeup, adjust skirt, see mirror, retie hair 18. Cannot live without COMB and MIRROR 19. *maybe got mirror in front of you all the time, even in class. 20. Loves techno 21. Wears PMK, NWO, Von Dutch 22. Attention-seeking hair color. Purple, Green, or Red. 23. Know nothing else except HOKKIEN. Y 1/14/2006 12:46:00 AM HAHAHAHA dazu yesterday was quite fun cos we played the new song :D at least its nicer than xiaozu lol. x) ooh i cant wait for some crazy jnrs to join suona xDD hahaha so fun (: Thursday, January 12, 2006 Y 1/12/2006 04:49:00 AM HAHA OKAY HAPPY BDAE CHER :D oooooh and talking abt birthdays, julia has a cool birthday! shes a MAY-er too :DD HAHA (: gah and today had xiaozu. and chanyi was very very very super high today =X shes crazy. me and chinny were like saying she ben lai jiu shi crazy de, then today dno why exceptionally crazy =X she kept laughing for nothing! hahaha x) then linlao, hes damn amusing. =X dunno why but his actions are just so spastic =/ gahaha okay i shall do the quiz thing :) heh. Rules: Express your Love for SEVEN and get others to know more about you. ;D Copy and Paste the following into your own blog and complete all SEVEN bullets of the SEVEN questions. Then, pick SEVEN ppl to pass it on! Have fun! S E V E N Things that make me Smile =) : -nice things (=/) -nice people :) -crazy people who makes me laugh. (eg cherylho -.-) -amusing things(: -things tt i like :D -um. nothing.i can smile or laugh for nth =X lol -you la (: S E V E N Ways to Win my Heart (Right Now): -give me nice stuffs that can be kept =/ lol -okay i dunno alrdy =X S E V E N Things I Believe In: -human rights D: -myself. woots. -nth is impossible. yes. (: -i cannot think of anything lalala S E V E N Things I'm Afraid Of that are just BLAH: -screwing up things D: -eh. losing my stuffs lol. -being embarrassed lol. x) which happened ystd. wtf. -chery and bianca and nana "attacking" without anybody saving me D: -people's claws. gosh. -owing people money. =X -dying now. D: gosh wad kind of ans is this. S E V E N Things I Do Everyday: -breathe in -breathe out -eat -sleep -laugh D: -walk -bathe. hoho so easy (: S E V E N People I Want to See Right Now: -hahaha 6of7ofus ((: um. you lah D: S E V E N People whom i chose to do this: - you and the 6of7ofus. some alrdy done this lor =/ lol. i find this rather lame. HAHA. ooh okay dazu tmr. and we got a new song tt i dno wad issit today! =X lol tmr=good time to read tkam :D haha. ooh i like the winniethepooh song! :D so cute =D hahahaah Tuesday, January 10, 2006 Y 1/10/2006 10:11:00 AM HAHA its late now D: and i am feeling HYPER :D thanks to the always-so-retarded cherylho =X she's damn crappy lah. even crappier than wad u can imagine=/ i cannot stand her. i shall sit her then. =D haha ok that was lame. no wonder we can crap so much in msn. she's mad and i am um half mad too :x these few days i think she is abit too high. sometimes shes so high up that i cannot see her ._. heh. then she has always been crazy but these few days she is even crazier than her normal crazy self. and i think she really lost her mind some where. if u are reading this u can do a good deed by helping her find her mind. any strange object that doesnt look human to you, it must be her stupid mind. :D heh heh. Monday, January 09, 2006 Y 1/09/2006 05:57:00 AM haha ystd we met up for om :D as in cher, trish, charis, nana, cheryl and me (: charis left early for her tuition haha we discussed part of the story. but not all =X heh but the plot is like very dumb lah x)abt dodo birds, if you are wondering lol. xD then most of the time we were actually walking around (a.k.a shopping). heh. nana and trish lah x) trish shall be the chief dodo since she is so enthu abt being a dodo =D haha and we went to the kino bkshop (: i like it cos it has many books x) haha. and charis the lucky dodo managed to get the full set of narnia books for only 5 dollars. rawr. xD but haha shes lending me yay:D and we saw this book. "the chronicles of BLARNIA". =X i was like ._. and there is also "king bong" =X hurhur. copyyyy. the plot is very similar too =/ lol. haha and then we went to bianca's concert! :D nana was abit crazy. =X hahaha and we told lianghui abt the potato jokes xD they are damn stupid. =/ lol. the performences were not bad lah. :D haha and bianca's dance is cute! x)) lala so me and cher took mrt back (poor us) and reached home at 11 plus haha. super late =X ooh and i am very proud of myself :DDD i FINALLY completed my stupid essay today. grah. like FINALLY. hur. cos tmr is the deadline. =/ hehheh. Saturday, January 07, 2006 Y 1/07/2006 02:25:00 AM okay we were too mean. sorry gloria. i mean msteng =X i was actually quite touched by her sorry thingy :x and cheryl and charis cried haha x) (like wad cher said) but now she is a little unnatural lah, when she teaches us =/ gah and it makes us feel weird too =/ actually i think she is a nice tcher lor. maybe its just kan her bu shun yan during the first lesson lah. GAH. Friday, January 06, 2006 Y 1/06/2006 02:06:00 AM just now i wasted arnd 2 hrs of my life lah =X sat there without blowing anything for sooo long hoho. =X Wednesday, January 04, 2006 Y 1/04/2006 01:34:00 AM HAHA WHEE FIRST DAY OF SCH :D surprisingly alot people came so early haha. ooh oneten looks smart xD hurhur and mrhan is back =X with sunlao this yr. =//// how unfortunate. but gloria is the worst of the worst okay. she sux lah. she cannot smile, dno why. and she sounds man and looks man too. but she is still irritating lah =/ we want mrs see )))): i wonder how i'm going to survive in maths lesson =X gloria is scary. =/ haha and in cher's psgl group there's shawn's sister x) haha and she looks different. cher said she is super quiet. haha xD and cher's lucky lah. get to miss gloria's lesson tmr =X rah. haha okay thats all byebye (: Sunday, January 01, 2006 Y 1/01/2006 09:36:00 AM oh hello happy new year again =D i got quite sick of maple since i train so slowly =X haha hoho and 2005 is over. *says hello to 2006 and gets no response* D: and i still can rmb the first day of sec one =X i was like a goondoo =X coming too early in the morning and ended up sitting in the canteen like some idiot =X then some person said we had to go to the hall. then i was like where on earth is the hall =XX goon. heh and i wonder who is our ft THIS year =X hoho byebye and i hope 2006 is much nicer :) Y 1/01/2006 08:06:00 AM WHEEEEHEEEEHEEEEHEEEEEHEEE HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYBODY :DDDDDD HELLO 2006 :D BYEBYE2005 :D |
070592 sixteen rps,nygh 411'08! NYCO! tag! people! amanda beehiang bianca charis cheryl chinny chuinyin clarisse claudia elaine emma ethel eunice foureleven gwen hanjing iris jenzi jessy jo joey julia kaini laiweng liuchang lydia mabel NYCO qiuhan ruimin sandy sarah sheila shenyang sixr trish twoten06 weiting xiaohan xiaohong xinyu xueyan yanqi yiling zhiyi past! ★July 2005 ★August 2005 ★September 2005 ★October 2005 ★November 2005 ★December 2005 ★January 2006 ★February 2006 ★March 2006 ★April 2006 ★May 2006 ★June 2006 ★July 2006 ★August 2006 ★September 2006 ★October 2006 ★November 2006 ★December 2006 ★January 2007 ★February 2007 ★March 2007 ★April 2007 ★May 2007 ★June 2007 ★July 2007 ★August 2007 ★September 2007 ★October 2007 ★November 2007 ★December 2007 ★January 2008 ★February 2008 ★March 2008 ★April 2008 ★May 2008 ★June 2008 ★July 2008 ★August 2008 ★September 2008 ★October 2008 ★November 2008 ★December 2008 ★January 2009 credits! basecodes by: detonatedlove♥ images: photobucket designer: ♥summerkisses} |