Monday, September 29, 2008 Y 9/29/2008 08:49:00 PM omg i hate IH cos it sucks! like literally, it sucks the life out of you o_o omg i swear today's papers were damn exhausting. physically and mentally! when i was doing IH, my hand felt like it was going to just twist itself and i'll break out in spasms, or something like that. and i think im quite "pro" lor, i knew IH was 1h14mins but my brain thought it was 2 hours, so i thought it will end at 1.44, instead of 1.29 -.- so i had like 30mins to write my essay after i wrote source based, and i didnt even realise until ms chue said we have 15 mins left. best. at that time i still had the OF part to do omg. totally felt like dying. today was one of the worst days of the year hahah it was seriously super tiring lah. complains aside, the IH essay questions were quite easy, thats quite nice of the teachers, but i didnt have enough time to elaborate more so i doubt i'll do well anyway. hahah sucks. stupid 0.5 subject that made me worry more than the other two 1.5 subjects combined:/ nevermind i am super relieved that IH is finally over! :D yesterday i was so sian from doing IH for the past few days that i went to do maths hahaha and i really really prefer maths to IH :/ somehow. to my horror after just a few days of not doing maths, i cant remember the trigo formulae and the log-from multiplication-to-addition thingy, i thought it was the other way round. haha i doubt anyone understands what that was anyway D: but omg lah i was quite horrified and annoyed that i made some stupid mistakes that i shouldnt be making blehhh. must be IH's fault! i kind of gave a day off to myself today hahah cos i thought i deserve a break for surviving IH :/ theres no school on wednesday so thats nice. still thinking about tomorrow....hmmmmm (: Wednesday, September 24, 2008 Y 9/24/2008 02:45:00 PM HAHA im so happy LA is OVER!! :D :D i have just wasted about 45 mins using the comp :/ plans for today: sleep! study something. haha havent decided what yet. cant wait for eoys to go away :D Sunday, September 21, 2008 Y 9/21/2008 03:18:00 PM theres something going on between LJ and my comp, LJ cant seem to load -.- i think thay hate each other. nevermind, gave up blogsurfing and decided to update blog. haha i think i have been coming online less these days, which is not neessarily a good thing cos not coming online does not mean that ive been studying. haha eoys eoys eoys. LA is this coming wednesday o.m.g. i think i need some luck + lots of inspiration + lots of handpower + nice pens. i hate eoys, cant wait to get over them. yesterday was kind of wasted cos my family went out. guess what we did hahah. we went to catch prawns HAHA. its not the first time actually, and i dont exactly like it but somehow everyone else loves it :/ went anyway, cos i figured nothing beats staying at home alone feeling (very) bored and feeling the neeeed to study :/ it was quite okay, the weather was nice and there werent alot of people. (omg i typed peaple at first) haha i managed to catch 0 prawn because i didnt bother looking for them and i dont have the patience to wait for them to come out of their little hole while trying to kope bread (bait). hahah ended up sitting on a rock and catching lousy fishies. even my brother caught 2 or 3 (cant rmb) prawns O: the fishes were really quite lousy, cos they get so attracted to bread they kept coming haha. but they were fast and they can jump out of the net O: after a while i changed my target to Father Fish, the bigger sized one of their kind. hahaha i dont even know if its a male/female but heck, theres alliteration! ok quite sian, but it was better than staying at home :/ i suddenly like bananas alot! look they have so many benefits: Anemia: High in iron, bananas can stimulate the production of hemoglobin in the blood and so helps in cases of anemia. Blood Pressure: This unique tropical fruit is extremely high in potassium yet low in salt, making it the perfect to beat blood pressure. So much so, the US Food and Drug Administration has just allowed the banana industry to make official claims for the fruit's ability to reduce the risk of blood pressure and stroke. Depression: According to a recent survey undertaken by MIND amongst people suffering from depression, many felt much better after eating a banana. This is because bananas contain tryptophan, a type of protein that the body converts into serotonin, known to make you relax, improve your mood and generally make you feel happier. Hangovers: One of the quickest ways of curing a hangover is to make a banana milkshake, sweetened with honey. The banana calms the stomach and, with the help of the honey, builds up depleted blood sugar levels, while the milk soothes and re-hydrates your system. Mosquito Bites: Before reaching for the insect bite cream, try rubbing the affected area with the inside of a banana skin. Many people find it amazingly successful at reducing swelling and irritation. Nerves: Bananas are high in B vitamins that help calm the nervous system. PMS: Forget the pills - eat a banana. The vitamin B6 it contains regulates blood glucose levels, which can affect your mood. Smoking: Bananas can also help people trying to give up smoking. The B6, B12 they contain, as well as the potassium and magnesium found in them, help the body recover from the effects of nicotine withdrawal. Stress: Potassium is a vital mineral, which helps normalize the heartbeat, sends oxygen to the brain and regulates your body's water balance. When we are stressed, our metabolic rate rises, thereby reducing our potassium levels. These can be rebalanced with the help of a high-potassium banana snack. __________________________________________________ ok these are only a few haha. its making my post very long so i stopped :/ ![]() Sunday, September 14, 2008 Y 9/14/2008 09:15:00 PM heh apparantly CO jacket is out! only one though. it looks pretty from the CO blog, i shall try and spot xinyi in school :D im not buying it though, felt that i wont have much use for it and dont want to waste the jacket and the $30, so. nevermind i can see other 100 plus people wear it :D i hate EOYs. went to granny's house for dinner just now. something set me thinking. ok here goes. i koped my cousin's erhu to play. then i thought the notes dont sound very zhun, i dont have perfect pitch/im nowhere near perfect pitch haha, so i asked if he tuned his erhu. ok this shall be typed in a conversation form: me: ehh 你有没有调音? him: 有啦。 me: 有没有调音器啊? him: 没有。 me: then 你怎样调音? him: 在学校调了啦 me: 你练的时候不用先调音meh? (he was practising before i took his erhu) him: 不用,又不是管乐!准了啦。 me: 你怎么知道? him: 用耳朵听就可以了! haha he sounds like he has perfect pitch but i am positive he doesnt :/ this made me think of how mrs ee is always, always, always emphasising on tuning properly before practice. it really makes a difference, and im really glad we have such a well, pro conductor. cant really think of any good adjective, i guess pro can sum up everything, since it can mean alot haha. and her old scores incident haha, made me actually admire her for her 执著 for music, whatever that is in english, cant think of a word now :/ my language sucks but thats not the point now haha. its quite nice to know/see someone who feels so much for something. its just quite a cool feeling. hahah im totally incoherent blehh. next point! im stuck in integration AHHH. i seem to be circling every other question in the revision booklet :/ omg it totally slows me down and i cant proceed on to other topics :/ im not making much progress for the other subjects too. im so disorganised when i study, so im screwed. hahah im so screwed lor. i hate EOYs (again!) WEP finally has some news haha. we have to choose 3 organisations out of the 10 plus. sadly theres like no restaurants for us to choose, i want to go and cook leh! theres the crowne plaza hotel at changi airport though. but i think only 2 will get to go and plus they will split up the 2 people -.- so stupid. so, no thanks. although i really want to go and make beds in the hotel haha. hey at least its better than admin work D: picked plaza pacific hotel, NUS museum, and this teashop in the end haha! the first 2 seem okay, and i chose the teashop because the working hours are short :D sounds like a slack job anyway. but i doubt we will kena 3rd choice. i hope i'll get into the hotel one with people that i know omg. if i go with strangers (who know each other) i will die :/ hahah there will be interviews this week what the heck lah. i hate interviews! D: alright i shall end :D Thursday, September 11, 2008 Y 9/11/2008 04:39:00 PM shall update while i wait for my turn to bathe -.- i just found out that there is walls ice cream in the fridge hahah and its already 3/4 gone T_T EOYs are SO scary omg i think i will die! theres so much to study from so many stuff O: ahhhh i feel like dying i have only done 2.5 maths topics and read/browsed through bio and did electrochemistry & bonding haha wth thats all, i think. omg its seriously traumatizing. LA paper is next next wednesday i think :/ and i kind of dont remember how to do SRQ and i cannot do essays for nuts so this is the end of my life! D: i hope i wont retain D: D: D: this sucks i dont remember getting so stressed(?) or whatever over any exam -.- alright skip! today's PE was quite fun we did captain's ball :D and there were so many funny incidents cant list them out xD too bad we dont get to play next week cos ms sabrina wont be there :/ oh so today was our last PE? i think so. im currently smelly because of PE and the hot weather. roar! in the process of burning concert CDs heh :D i kept listening to them the past few days, while i study -.- which makes studying so unproductive cos i will be focusing on the music more, hahah. i still get nervous when diyierhu box 4 & the zhong/ci zhong suos box5 part come, its quite O: oh and taiyang too. hahahah. hahah random: fuwas are hilarious, just saw bianca's blog xD that day claud, bianca and i were laughing and tearing from stupid fuwa videos hahahah. it was during LA lesson O: they are retarded, but damn cute, especially jingjing! HAHA ohhh ok i can bathe now :D bye! Thursday, September 04, 2008 Y 9/04/2008 11:51:00 PM haha today was quite a happy day! :D first of all i am happy cos of something i stole from SL xD im not really supposed to have it, but i think it doesnt really matter and i have been waiting very very long for it so! :D :D haha im enjoying it now! :D ok then today we had IH remedial, which was quite informative but boring still. im so dead for EOYs T__T roar my revision these few days were super unproductive cos i keep spending alot of time one a certain question (trigo -.-) then in the end i would have only done abit D: bio is another omg (adjective in this case :/) cos there are like one thousand topics AHHH i shall stop complaining haha i think many people share the same fate as me hahah. after remedial i met chinny and went coro to have lunch! we actually missed the coro stop omg how to miss a stop thats like only 2(?) stops away D: hahah lousy. ate sushi! yay i love the coro crab mayo. saw guanyue (minus suo cos they didnt have to go for dazu) juniors having lunch together haha i think i've never seen this before but ya its good haha juniors are like more bonded now than us last time ._. i remember the 4 of us not talking to the snrs at all when we went for holiday lunches hahah goose. then the whole journey will be very quiet :/ i think that was sec1, sec2 also not much better hahah. BUT now it seems so impossible cos *looks at juniors* so noisy! hahah i think jessy alone is enough lah please! ok im digressing ahhh. after lunch we went to library to MUG haha! didnt manage to do alot though, trigo can drive me crazy ._. then at 4 we went for comm meeting! -next paragraph!- there were only 3 pathetic sec4s there! laiweng, chinny and me, haha best. and we were supposed to talk about the roles of comm members but so many sec4s werent there we didnt manage to do alot in the end o: spent about 1 hr talking about SL, plus other stuff when we side-tracked haha. the meeting was long, but rather enjoyable :D last comm meeting! mrs ee is just, awesome and inspiring and stuff :) i think shengsuo now is SO different from last time haha its quite good but still abit O: lixian is so aunty hahah i just have to mention it! her classic slippers is hilarious, although she totally finds it normal haha! ohyah MAF was yesterday! met up with trish the mugger in kap for lunch before heading for HCI. when we went there they were having xiaozu and HAHA i totally got a shock when i finally recognised andika O: you see, i didnt say "when i saw" because when i first saw him i didnt even recognise him :/ it was quite scary cos he looks SUPER, like ultra super duper different hahahah its very amusing! he's so much slimmer now and taller and he has specs haha i think he is taller than me please -.- sec1 only! ohmy. hahah and i think xiaohong also got a shock when she recognizsed him, hilarious. what the i just typed about 5 lines on my shock ahhh skip skip! didnt stay with suonas for xiaozu cos the room stank like crap and it was deafening haha. then it was dazu! yaozu is nice! jia was quite, er dumb. lixian is still DA PRO yeahhhh! mass games! traditional water fight -.- didnt feel like getting wet so i kind of joined the "hydrophobic" people, huilin, wendi & li, etc. i wasnt as extreme as di li cos they acted like they were allergic to water haha quite funny. in the end i still got semi-wet -.- got "splashed" thrice (i think) because i just happened to stand beside victims of the evil pails -.- so innocent pls! but after that it rained so i got even wetter haha. ohwell. after mass games was super sian i wanted to leave but there wasnt anyone to walk with me to the bustop haha so i stayed on. cher came though! quite super late but she still came hahah if i were her i wouldnt even go already :/ the OT did this skit which was supposed to be amusing but 90% of the time i couldnt hear them so i didnt find it funny, actually i didnt even understand it hahah best la. saw lixian and mum at the bustop and her mum was very nice ehh, she offered the bare-footed lisa her sandals o: as in it was nice of her that she didnt even hesitate to lend her her sandals while she walk bare-footed to her car. actually i think lixian also offered lisa her shoes before her mum came but i cant really rmb :/ haha but lisa still boarded the bus bare-footed O: its quite nice to see these random acts of kindness haha but it was still quite amusing because its lixian. this is such a long post :/ i feel so detached from NYCO already, not just but quite some time already. i remember feeling super liberated when the post was passed to hpsl, haha somehow. its quite a weird feeling but exams will distract me (more or less) and i'll get used to it, i guess! i keep giving hp weird names haha paiseh. i actually got quite some more to say but i probably wont put it here haha and ohh i havent blogged about my 4 years yet o: oh i know maybe i can put it in LJ (and finally give my lj account some life), tomorrow or something, if im in the mood! (: |
070592 sixteen rps,nygh 411'08! NYCO! tag! people! amanda beehiang bianca charis cheryl chinny chuinyin clarisse claudia elaine emma ethel eunice foureleven gwen hanjing iris jenzi jessy jo joey julia kaini laiweng liuchang lydia mabel NYCO qiuhan ruimin sandy sarah sheila shenyang sixr trish twoten06 weiting xiaohan xiaohong xinyu xueyan yanqi yiling zhiyi past! ★July 2005 ★August 2005 ★September 2005 ★October 2005 ★November 2005 ★December 2005 ★January 2006 ★February 2006 ★March 2006 ★April 2006 ★May 2006 ★June 2006 ★July 2006 ★August 2006 ★September 2006 ★October 2006 ★November 2006 ★December 2006 ★January 2007 ★February 2007 ★March 2007 ★April 2007 ★May 2007 ★June 2007 ★July 2007 ★August 2007 ★September 2007 ★October 2007 ★November 2007 ★December 2007 ★January 2008 ★February 2008 ★March 2008 ★April 2008 ★May 2008 ★June 2008 ★July 2008 ★August 2008 ★September 2008 ★October 2008 ★November 2008 ★December 2008 ★January 2009 credits! basecodes by: detonatedlove♥ images: photobucket designer: ♥summerkisses} |